New 'True Blood' Season 5 Teaser Clip: Trouble with Terry & Patrick
by Andy Neuenschwander
Recent teasers and trailers for "True Blood" season 5 have shown us that "Nothing Stays Buried Forever." That includes certain vampires (like Russell, whom Alcide warns Sookie about in a preview clip) and personal troubles and secrets, some of which are hinted at in the extended teaser trailer.
It is the latter that's causing problems for Terry, who ended last season by getting a visit from his former platoon leader Patrick, a mysterious figure who was supposed to be dead (once again, nothing stays buried forever).
While it's still unclear what kind of role Patrick will be playing in Terry's life, it looks as though the both of them are in a bit of trouble in this newest preview clip from season five of "True Blood." In the clip, Terry and Patrick are backed into a corner by a figure with a gun, who keeps asking them if anything was following them.
If you're still looking to make waiting suck a little bit less, check out the newest "True Blood" season 5 teaser clip below (some strong language, so it's NSFW-ish).